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IPC19 Call for Papers


The 19th International Pragmatics Conference will be primarily an in-person event.

This time we are trying out a different approach to offline-online participation; see IPC19 Conference format


Panel proposals can no longer be submitted, but the CALL FOR PAPERS is NOW OPEN for panel contributions, posters, and lectures.

Please read all instructions carefully before going to the conference website (which you enter with your IPrA username and password) to SUBMIT.

Note that IPrA membership is required for submitting an abstract (with all deadlines in 2024) as well as for presenting during the conference (in 2025), and that membership always runs from  1 January to 31 December, no matter at what time in the year it is applied for. Membership can be arranged instantly by clicking ‘JOIN IPRA’ on top of the IPrA home page and following all the necessary steps. 

Deadline for panel proposals (see definition below): 19 June 2024  (midnight PDT)
Contributions to accepted panels (see below), and submissions for posters and lectures must be sent in by 4 November 2024  (midnight PDT) - this is the extended and final deadline.


  • All submission procedures are web-based (i.e., paper copies, faxes, or email attachments will not be accepted).
  • The submission of abstracts presupposes IPrA membership (see above).
  • Panel proposals  (deadline 19 June 2024 - midnight PDT) have to consist of a brief outline (min. 250 and max. 500 words) of the theme and purpose of the panel, with a first indication of the people the organizer(s) intend(s) to encourage to participate. Panel organizers are asked to avoid restricting their panels to an in-group; therefore, the outline should at the same time serve as a call for papers, inviting others to submit proposals for contributions. Within three weeks after the deadline the conference committee will, on the basis of the outline (weighed against other proposals in relation to the total number of available time slots), decide whether the proposal is accepted. The organizer(s) of an accepted panel is/are free to decide on suitable contributions to their panel, inviting colleagues to submit abstracts and selecting from spontaneously submitted ones. Not all panels need to take the same form; some may work with sessions that emphasize discussion; others may want to fit in more (brief) oral presentations; the minimum number of presentations planned for one 90-minute session, however, should be three; the maximum number of 90-minute sessions for a panel is four. Panel organizers should plan panels as in-person events.
  • Panel contributions can now be submitted for all accepted panel proposals of which you can download the abstracts from the program page of the conference. Though it is the panel organizer(s) who take(s) active responsibility for the quality of the contributions to their panel (i.e., they decide what is accepted), abstracts should, for all panel contributions (including the ones invited by the organizer(s)) be submitted by the contributors separately by 4 November 2024, the deadline that is also handled for individual submissions (see below). Panel organizers are expected to guide invited participants in this process, so that all formal requirements are duly fulfilled, and the abstracts live up to the expected international standards. Spontaneously submitted panel contributions that are not accepted by the panel organizer(s) will be evaluated as individual lecture abstracts. Participation in a panel requires in-person attendance.
  • Abstracts for lectures and posters (min. 250 and max. 500 words) should be submitted before 4 November 2024. It is the individual submitter’s choice to submit for oral presentation (lecture) or a poster. Oral presentations are for (nearly) completed research, for which 30-minute slots will be available (including discussion time and time for moving between sessions). Posters are suitable for work in progress and/or work that requires personal feedback, and these will be up for the whole week; during one of the conference days, there is a poster period during which all other conference activities are blocked so that attention goes exclusively to looking at and discussing posters. IPrA actively encourages the submission of posters; experience tells us that this format can generate serious interaction and result in lasting and fruitful contacts. Authors of lecture and poster abstracts have the choice between in-person participation and, if in-person attendance is impossible, the screening of prerecorded presentations (20 minutes for lectures, 5 minutes for posters).
  • Because of heavy competition for slots in the program, no-one can be considered for more than one contribution of which they are the first author (whether panel contributions, lectures or posters). Anyone may be involved in a second or even a third paper if someone else is the first author and will be present at the conference as well.
  • In the case of multiple authorshipthe web-based submission system recognizes as first author only the one who handles the submission process.
  • While there is a restriction on the number of contributions of which one may be the first author (one only!), presenting a paper is always compatible with taking the role of organizer of a panel or acting as a discussant in a panel.
  • In the case of multiple authorship, when submitting your abstract, you must add information about your co-authors. Co-authors do not have to be IPrA members at the time of submission, but if they are, please make sure to identify them with the email address that is associated with their IPrA membership. Otherwise they will not be able to check and (if necessary) edit your submission; such access cannot be provided for co-authors who are not recognized by the web-based submission system as IPrA members.

Note that abstracts for oral presentations should be based on research that is (nearly) completed, with a well-formulated research question, and with a good description of the types of data used (if the work is empirical) and of the approach. For posters, a clear description of a research design may be acceptable, as this can lead to useful discussions in the early stages of a project.

In the formulation of your abstract, please make sure to avoid non-inclusive language.

IPrA strongly encourages younger scholars to submit abstracts. In particular, they should not hesitate to try and participate in one of the accepted panels if the topic and approach suit their work.

THEN GO TO THE CONFERENCE WEBSITE, where you click 'Log in', fill in your IPrA membership username and password, and proceed.

After submission, make sure your mail system allows messages from (or regularly check your junk mail for such messages).