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Voices in pragmatics

IPrA is preparing a repository of voices in pragmatics. We want the IPrA community to have access to (some of) the words directly spoken by people who have made significant contributions to the field. Some of the materials we will provide access to will be pre-existent recordings. Others will be prepared specifically for this purpose.

Older recordings:

  • a recording of the presentation that Charles Fillmore gave when accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Computational Linguistics in 2012
  • John Haviland's 1991 recording of a long interview by Stephen Levinson with the first IPrA President, John Gumperz, about his life trajectory, the history of sociolinguistics in the US, and his views on the social embedding of language:

New recordings:

You can also listen to Stephen Levinson's Presidential address, delivered on the occasion of the 18th International Pragmatics Conference.

You may also want to check out the recordings we have of some special IPrA events. There you will find the Lifetime Achievement award ceremonies for Deborah Tannen (2021) and Laurence Horn (2023).